Zoe Durran
Biodiversity Net Gain specialist at Mott MacDonald
Speaking topic
Delivering projects sustainably | Why and when land is needed
Zoe is an ecologist with five years’ experience working within the ecology and environment sector. Zoe has experience in habitat surveys including Phase 1 Habitat, UK Habitat (UKHab) Classification Surveys and National Vegetation Classification (NVC). Zoe also has undertaken a variety of protected species surveys including great crested newt (GCN), reptiles, bats, dormouse, badger, otter, water vole and breeding and wintering birds. Zoe’s project experience ranges from small sites to large housing and flood defence schemes, involving the production of Preliminary Ecological Appraisals (PEAs), Ecological Impacts Assessments (EcIAs), shadow Habitat Regulations Assessments (HRAs) and BREEAM assessments. Zoe is currently specialising in Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) and is developing her knowledge on habitat creation and enhancements.