Hire new staff or upskill existing colleagues
Develop critical skills and capabilities needed to deliver our services
Diversify routes to professional roles
Improve engagement and productivity
Utilise government funding to provide cost effective training
The Land Referencer Apprenticeship is starting its second year, with roles starting to be advertised for a cohort starting in college in September 2023.
We have provided the following information and guidance to support recruitment of apprentices.
Investment in personal and professional development through apprenticeships enables us to attract new and diverse talent and retain existing talent
Benefits of Hiring Apprentices
Hire new staff or upskill existing colleagues
Develop critical skills and capabilities needed to deliver our services
Diversify routes to professional roles
Improve engagement and productivity
Utilise government funding to provide cost effective training
The Land Referencer Apprenticeship
Level 4
Level 4 apprenticeships are equivalent to a foundation degree.
A foundation degree is the academic equivalent of two-thirds of a Bachelors degree, a Higher National Diploma (HND) and Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE) - at Level 5 of the Regulated Qualifications.
What Apprentices learn
Apprentices will be guided in learning the knowledge, skills and behaviours set out in the apprenticeship standard (here).
Typical duration to gateway: is 30 months (this does not include EPA period)
Maximum funding is £14,000
Learning outcomes will be independently assessed by Qualifications for Industry (QFI) who are acting as the End Point Assessment Organisation for the Land Referencer Apprenticeship standard.
The Land Referencer Apprenticeship Assessment Plan can be found here
The Land Referencer Apprenticeship was created through a collaboration of land referencer employers to develop the specific skills required for this occupation. This apprenticeship is the only formal land referencer qualification. Let clients know that you are supporting specific Equality, Diversity & Inclusions (EDI) and Skills, Employment and Education (SEE) initiatives.
Your role as an employer
Advertise vacancies
Select and recruit candidates
Making sure your apprentices:
work with experienced staff
learn job-specific skills
get released for one day during their working week for apprenticeship training at Dudley College of Technology
Take advantage of government funding to recruit and train apprentices. The amount you get depends on whether you pay the apprenticeship levy or not.
If you do not pay the apprenticeship levy:
You pay 5% towards the cost of training and assessing your apprentice. You need to:
agree a payment schedule with the training provider
pay them directly for the training
The government will pay the rest (95%) up to the funding band maximum of £14,000 for the Land Referencer Apprenticeship standard.
If you pay the apprenticeship levy:
You’ll get funds to spend on training and assessing your apprentices. The government will add 10%.
Model Role Description
This model role description is provided to assist employers with the process of recruiting onto the Level 4 Land Referencer Apprenticeship.
The Role of SOLR
SoLR is helping ensure a lasting legacy for this apprenticeship. We help people make an informed choice to work in our area of practice by raising the profile of land referencing; representing our industry at careers and skills events, engaging with schools and colleges and by providing information on our website. This also raises awareness of our practice to professionals and clients we will work with in the future.
We aim to promote careers to a diverse workforce and improve retention.
Our apprentice activities are coordinated through the SoLR Careers Committee:
Share our common purpose, profession and the projects we work on
Represent employers with IfATE, Ofqual and the Office for Students as an IfATE registered professional organisation
Advertise vacancies and act as a link to other professional and client organisations such as the Royal Geographical Society and HS2
Manage a database of prospective candidates
Host a monthly employer forum of current and prospective employers to share feedback on delivery of the apprenticeship, connect with stakeholders and discuss upcoming curriculum
Engage with Dudley College of Technology and QFI as key stakeholders
Coordinate attendance at careers and skills events, raising the profile of land referencing careers as well as our practice
Engage with schools and colleges
Promote the apprenticeship to employer organisations
Advertise your Vacancies on SoLR
To help market the Land Referencer Apprenticeship and reach the widest possible audience for recruitment, SoLR will advertise all apprentice vacancies on our 'Careers' page. Office addresses will be added to the interactive map to help candidates make an informed decision.
We will also link to partner and other industry websites.