Matt Fox
Professional Engagement Sub-Committee Member
I am a Senior Associate in Pinsent Masons' Energy and Infrastructure Planning team whose primary focus is gaining approval for DCOs, TWAOs and large scale CPO/SROs.
I’ve worked on a range of transport (A14, A303, Silvertown, Tilbury2 amongst others), water (River Thames Scheme) and energy (solar and carbon capture) projects across the UK, working with land referencing professionals drawn from all the different companies, who make up the membership of SoLR. I really enjoy being part of the collaborative efforts that go into getting a project through the consenting process and ultimately, being able to point at something and say – we helped make that happen!
I am involved in all aspects of these projects, but in particular, work closely with land referencers in the production of all the lands and works deliverables that make up an infrastructure application, and on into Examination. I see every day the vital role that the profession plays in enabling these projects to gain consent and move forward. As such, I am excited to work within SoLR to help the wider world see the importance of the role and the great opportunities that come with it as a career.
Outside of work I enjoy going to gigs (loud guitar music and comedy) and am a big NFL fan.