A deviation… or at least that was the conclusion of one conversation at our first SoLR networking event on 14 October in London, which followed our online launch webinar. It was such good fun sharing a room with 100 people with so much in common, meet new colleagues as well as past friends who have moved around the industry.
We had around 220 attendees at our launch Webinar, however if you were unable to attend, we’ve shared a recording on our home page.
We’d also really appreciate more feedback, which can be provided here.
If you have any photos to share, please send them to info@SoLR.org.uk.
The Genie is out…
SoLR member and Land Consultant Sheoma Richards discovered Land Referencing through Newcastle University's annual Geospatial
Engineering at Newcastle Industry Engagement (GENIE) event. Sheoma returned to her alma mater with colleagues Ed Cashman and Tom Miller on 14 October to promote Land Referencing as a career as well as the launch of SoLR. Sharing personal experiences backed up by SoLR’s independent representation of our industry went down well with attendees, with 22 students expressing an interest in future career opportunities.
Thanks to everyone who has joined SoLR to date. Our inaugural membership runs through to the end of 2022 and we will shortly be setting our budget for next year.
Membership can be completed within the Subscriptions area on your member pages or by bank transfer to:
Society of Land Referencers
Sort Code: 51-50-03
Account Number: 75022915
Please state your membership number in the reference field.
SoLR Council
The big takeaway from the SoLR launch was that our initial focus for 2022 should be on networking and social activities. Ideas so far are volunteering and community activities, networking events outside of London and some opportunities for friendly competition.
Big thanks to Josh Brown volunteering to help get our first committee off the ground to start planning activities for 2022. Josh is on the hunt for people from across our membership to join him, so please get in touch.
Upcoming Events
Land Referencer Apprenticeship Employer Engagement Event
Everything you need to know about why you should hire apprentices, and how to go about it. Expert speakers from HS2 and ESFA joined by a past apprentice and apprentice line manager.
Fri 12 Nov, 12:00 | Microsoft Teams | Free | Open to all
Round Table Discussion - Planning Act 2008
Join colleagues and members and prepare feedback to the Planning Act consultation.
Thur 25 Nov, 12:30 | Microsoft Teams | Free | Open to members
And finally...
If you enjoy a good map, amateur cartographer and casual onlooker David T from Chichester shared this little gem (free sign-up required).
This map has been created by the Ramblers and shows over 49,000 miles of potential lost paths across England and Wales.
The Countryside and Rights of Way Act officially introduced the cut-off date for adding historic paths to definitive maps in 2000 but opposition from the Ramblers and others means the period before the cut-off date is extended from 10 to 25 years. This means paths (footpaths and bridleways) which existed before 1949 and which aren't recorded on definitive maps on 1 January 2026 will be extinguished.
Some of you may remember the Discovering Lost Ways project set up by the Countryside Agency in 2001 which sought to identify historic rights of way through archival research, and record them onto the definitive maps. This project came to an end in 2007 when Natural England took over from Natural England and determined that this project was unviable.